About Katanox

Katanox is a hospitality distribution and financial technology platform. We build our solution to help travel buyers and hotels build direct relationships both technically and commercially. We replace the existing ecosystem of middlemen providing connectivity and payment products in a single platform.

Katanox, and the majority of the clients it provides services to, are truly global businesses. At the date of this statement, Katanox has approximately 30 people in 6 countries.

Katanox B.V. is the ultimate parent company of the Katanox Group, a Dutch private limited liability company, **having its official seat in Amsterdam, and its office address at Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 21-6, 1017 RP Amsterdam, the Netherlands, registered with the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 75629763, which includes:

Katanox Financial Technology BV, a Dutch private limited liability company, wholly owned by Katanox B.V., having its office address at Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 21-6, 1017 RP Amsterdam, the Netherlands, registered with the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number; 85692549 licensed Payment Service Provider for the European Economic Area by the Dutch National Bank under number: 724500GLLXB682M9DD36

Katanox Financial Technology Ltd. a British private limited liability company, wholly owned by Katanox B.V., having its office address at 2 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LG, United Kingdom, registered with the Companies House under number; 14423621

Katanox Financial Technology Inc. a company organised under the laws of Delaware, United States, wholly owned by Katanox, having its office address at 500, 7th Avenue, New York, 10018, registered with FinCEN as a Money Services Business under number: 31000246128534

Scope of statement

Katanox B.V. presents its statement pursuant to the provisions of section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act).

Both Katanox B.V. and its group companies will be collectively referred to as ‘Katanox’ for the purposes of this statement.

Katanox is committed to upholding the principles of the Act, taking measures to ensure that modern slavery in the form of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of Katanox’s business or in those of our clients and suppliers.

At Katanox, we take seriously our responsibility to conduct business in an ethical way. Katanox became member of the United Nations Global Compact in June 2023.  The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles, including in the areas of human rights and employment.

Our Chief Financial and Risk Officer is accountable for our compliance programme, including drafting policies and procedures, training and monitoring and provides periodic reports to the shareholders and the Financial and Compliance Auditor.

Policies and Code of Conduct

We have several group-wide policies in place that are relevant to modern slavery and continually review, refine and develop our policies.

Conduct of Conduct

Our code of conduct sets out the clear expectation of us as a company and explains the principles that underpin our ethical standards and is applicable to all Katanox people and contract workers in all locations globally, including third parties working on behalf or representing Katanox. Our code of conduct is available below:

Accommodation Supplier and Vendor Code of Conduct

Our Accommodation Supplier and Vendor CoC, outlines our expectations of the standards we expect our Accommiodation Suppliers as sellers on our platform to meet, this includes regarding human rights issues such modern slavery, child labour and people trafficking.  Considering vendor due diligence:

The nature of the services Katanox provides offers limited opportunity for modern slavery and/or human trafficking practices. While this may be the case, Katanox recognises it remains important to monitor its vendors to help prevent and identify the risks of modern slavery.